A few years ago
I sold all my stuff to explore the world
, creating
12 startups in 12 months
building $1M+/y
companies as an
indie maker
such as
Nomad List
Remote OK
. I'm also
a big pusher of remote work
and analyze
the effects it has on society
. Follow me on
see my list of posts
. My first book
is out now.
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Will millions of remote workers become location independent in 2021?
4 years ago
Why Korean Jimjilbangs and Japanese Onsens are great
7 years ago
What I learnt from 100 days of shipping
7 years ago
How to pack for world travel with just a carry-on bag
8 years ago
Building a startup in public: from first line of code to frontpage of Reddit
8 years ago
Taipei is boring, and maybe that's not such a bad thing
8 years ago
A society of total automation in which the need to work is replaced with a nomadic life of creative play
8 years ago
How to fix flying
8 years ago
Hong Kong Express - 上海 (Shanghai)
8 years ago
We are the heroes of our own stories
9 years ago
Why global roaming data solutions don't make any sense
10 years ago
I uploaded 4 terabyte over Korea's 4G, and paid $48
10 years ago
Do the economics of remote work retreats make any sense?
10 years ago
Love, Anxiety and Startups: My Year in 50 Tweets
10 years ago
The ideal place to start a startup is not necessarily in Silicon Valley
10 years ago