“If there’s anything young people can hear that can benefit them, the big one is: do what you’re drawn to. Whatever you’re drawn to. Go to that. Just find something you love to do, because your life will be different than someone who just works. Because, we could all get by just working and have hobbies and have family and friends that keep us entertained and have people at work that we enjoy being around. So we can have a good time working, I’m not saying you don’t have a good life if you’re a person that works. What I’m saying is, if you have the choice and you do when you’re young, you do when you don’t have commitments, when you don’t have a mortgage, you don’t have a family, go to what you fucking love, go there. Find whatever it is.”
–Joe Rogan (in JRE #319 w/ Alex Honnold @ 43m15s)
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